22 September 2023
MIMCO AM and SOGEPROM sign a partnership for the development of major real estate projects

MIMCO's French subsidiary, MIMCO Asset Management, an AMF-approved AIFM management company, and SOGEPROM, Société Générale's real estate development subsidiary, have entered a strategic and decisive partnership aimed at developing major real estate operations.

"Our respective intention, through this framework agreement, is to open up our collaboration to the joint research and implementation of the most innovative solutions to produce housing and offices, whether in the areas of energy consumption or more generally in the sustainable economy, with a particular focus on the provision of services for the benefit of residents and users. As of today, 100% of the funds managed by MIMCO AM are SRI-labeled for responsible investments", explains Ara Adjennian, Managing Director and Partner of MIMCO AM.

This alliance is taking shape in areas that are under pressure for housing, and in areas that are already established for offices and business/logistics premises.

Caroline Fortier, Managing Director of SOGEPROM, comments: "The Société Générale Group and therefore SOGEPROM, in its capacity as a subsidiary, are signatories of the Responsible Purchasing Charter, a joint initiative of French players in the banking and insurance sector. This charter and our reciprocal commitments with our suppliers who are involved in our projects are based on the fundamental principles of the United Nations Global Compact.”

On its side, MIMCO AM is a signatory of the six Principles for Responsible Investment, supported by the United Nations, formalizing a commitment to transparency towards its partners and shareholders.

"As a responsible developer serving useful innovation, SOGEPROM is committed to developing programs that best meet the needs of occupants. For our part, we want to focus our best energy on virtuous projects with higher added value and lower carbon impact. This signature with SOGEPROM marks a milestone in MIMCO AM's development", says Christophe Nadal, co-founder and CEO of MIMCO AM.

With SOGEPROM, MIMCO AM has found a partner with many years of experience in real estate development, while knowing exactly the users' needs. This cooperation also extends for SOGEPROM access to a tailor-made and trusted support through the expertise of MIMCO AM teams.

"The partnership with MIMCO AM will strengthen our development through private equity. The collaboration opens new opportunities and produces valuable synergies between our two partner companies. This will result in significant added value for our clients", adds Caroline Fortier.

MIMCO AM and SOGEPROM will thus contribute jointly and sustainably to the quality of the selected real estate operations.

Notre Actualité


Watch Charlotte Habib, Responsable des partenariats Île‑de‑France et Grand‑Est, and Christophe Coutteau, Business Development Director at MIMCO Asset Management, on the Club Patrimoine set.



MIMCO will be present in Cannes from March 10 to 14, 2025, for MIPIM 2025, the largest real estate trade fair in France.



Work is progressing successfully on Santos Townhouse, the MIMCO Group's project in Portugal.



The MIMCO Group has been recognized as one of the "Excellent" players in the 2025 ranking of the best real estate investment management companies, published by Décideurs Patrimoine.

