22 September 2023
MIMCO AM obtains the French SRI label (label ISR) for its MIMCO Grand-Ducal fund

Focusing on real estate development in Luxembourg and launched by the management company MIMCO AM, the MIMCO Grand-Ducal fund has just obtained the French real estate SRI label (label ISR).

Initially set up in 2016 by the French Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, the SRI label is, since the end of 2020, awarded annually to real estate investment funds that respect specific ethical criteria, whether it is the consideration of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, but also the communication of these criteria to investors, the adoption of extra-financial analysis tools or the release of these investments’ impact measurements towards sustainable development.

"Obtaining this label is in line with our group's strategy, reconciling financial performance with environmental and social impact. The real estate SRI label for the MIMCO Grand-Ducal fund marks a new step in our commitment to integrate ESG criteria into our investment and shareholding decision-making processes", explains Ara Adjennian, Managing Director of MIMCO AM.

According to the SRI Label Committee, supported by the French Ministry of Economic Affairs, Finance and Recovery, this SRI certification is a guarantee of reliability and high standards for investors wishing to participate in a more sustainable economy, through virtuous and responsible vehicles corresponding to their values.1

"We are one of the few real estate development funds to obtain the SRI label. This award consolidates our decisive commitment to the environmental cause and confirms the group's high level of transparency. We are convinced that our ESG policy will add value to our clients' capital, while having a positive impact on society and the environment", adds Christophe Nadal, Chairman of MIMCO AM.

The SRI label implies a very rigorous and transparent investment process that leads to a very demanding management of MIMCO AM's investments. This approach aims to ensure that it is in line with changes in regulations, user demands, and the responsible investments that some investors are looking for.



1. Label ISR, " Les fonds immobiliers, désormais éligibles au label ISR ", 15th February 2021

Notre Actualité


MIMCO will be present in Cannes from March 10 to 14, 2025, for MIPIM 2025, the largest real estate trade fair in France.



Work is progressing successfully on Santos Townhouse, the MIMCO Group's project in Portugal.



The MIMCO Group has been recognized as one of the "Excellent" players in the 2025 ranking of the best real estate investment management companies, published by Décideurs Patrimoine.



MIMCO began demolition work in December on the building located in the Bourmicht business zone in Bertrange.

